Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New Discounts for Wildlands Trust Members

Our members are getting more discounts at local businesses! Check out the list below. Not a member yet or need to renew? Click here.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Get in Tune with Nature Concert at Myles Standish State Forest


Myles Standish State Forest
Department of Conservation and Recreation
194 Cranberry Road, South Carver, MA
Contact: (508) 866-2580 x126

CARVER– Massachusetts based, award-winning singer/songwriter Erica Wheeler will inspire pride and appreciation for Myles Standish State Forest and turn visitors’ experiences into songs. On Saturday, August 18th from 1:00pm to 2:30pm enjoy a free family concert that will get you in tune with nature at the Myles Standish State Forest Amphitheater located at 194 Cranberry Road in South Carver.

Erica’s concerts take people on a journey through landscapes and experiences, combining song, story, and humor. She evokes in listeners their own sense of place, and through a group activity, she turns their experiences of the park into a song.  Inspirational, entertaining and educational, her sense of place program help renew the connection between people  and place today.  After the concert, visitors are invited to take part in a free educational hike through the Pine Barrens from 3:00pm – 4:30pm.

The concert is free and open to the public. Co-sponsored by Department of Conservation & Recreation, Friends of Myles Standish State Forest, Luna-C Arts, and the Wildlands Trust. Rain date is Sunday, August 19th.  Reasonable accommodations available upon request.  For more information, call (508) 866-2580 x126 or visit

The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), an agency of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, oversees 450,000 acres of parks and forests, beaches, bike trails, watersheds, dams, and parkways. Led by Commissioner Edward M. Lambert Jr., the agency’s mission is to protect, promote, and enhance our common wealth of natural, cultural, and recreational resources. To learn more about DCR, our facilities, and our programs, please visit www.mass.gov/dcr.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Tastes of Summer: Farmers' Markets and Herbs

Yesterday, we were the Market Hosts at the Plymouth Farmers' Market! It could not have been a more beautiful day at Plimoth Plantation with children pogo-sticking, homemade ice cream sandwiches, and fresh local produce!

At our booth, we hosted a free herb pet making activity with the intention of letting children get their hands dirty. Turns out, all ages were really into it! Children and adults had fun planting basil, green onions, chives, etc. in recycled pots and containers! Fresh herbs really are one of the best tastes of summer and it can be easy to grow your own in a small space!

In addition to growing herb pets this summer, we are also hoping to grow the next generation of farmers or environmentally engaged youth through our Young Organic Gardeners program. This program puts teen volunteers to work in Bridie's Garden, the organic community garden at the Plymouth Area Coalition for the Homeless in Kingston. All produce grown is donated to the Coalition's Food Pantry. We are currently seeking additional youth between the ages of 15-18 years to help out in the garden on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9:30am to 10:45am. The program will run from July 10 through Aug 16. No prior gardening experience is needed.

For more information about the program, click here: http://www.wickedlocal.com/duxbury/news/education/x57813022/Young-Organic-Gardeners-program#axzz1zTQBo1SO

OR email: Sarah Kugel, Garden Coordinator at skugel@wildlandstrust.org

Monday, June 25, 2012

Community Gardening Opportunity for Local Teens

Local Teens Needed to Help Manage a Community Garden
at the Plymouth Area Coalition for the Homeless - Kingston, MA

**Please share this post with anyone who may be interested in participating.**
Thank you!


We are seeking 10 volunteers between the ages of 15 and 18 years to participate in the second season of our Young Organic Gardeners (Y.O.G.) program. The teens will help manage Bridie’s Garden, the 1050 square foot organic vegetable and rain garden located at the Plymouth Area Coalition for the Homeless in Kingston, MA. The vegetables grown in the garden are donated to the Coalition’s food pantry to help them meet their fresh food needs.

Y.O.G. will meet from 9:30am to 10:45am on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from July 10 through August 16. Program participants will gain first-hand experience with organic gardening, in addition to learning about resource conservation, and the greater environment. This is a great opportunity for those looking to complete community service hours or interested in pursuing an education or career in any agricultural, environmental, or sustainability field.  Routine Y.O.G. tasks will include weeding, watering, composting, identifying and implementing ways to improve the garden, and sharing the knowledge they gain with the larger community. No prior experience is necessary.

Volunteers are expected to attend at least 8 of the 12 sessions. The program is free of charge; however space is limited to the first 10 volunteers who register with Sarah Kugel, the garden coordinator and AmeriCorps MassLIFT volunteer serving with Wildlands Trust.

Sarah can be reached at skugel@wildlandstrust.org or 781 934 9018.

Friday, June 15, 2012

From Berries to Beans: Urban Gardening in Lawrence, MA

On Monday, June 11, the 20 AmeriCorps MassLIFT (Massachusetts Land Initiative for Tomorrow) Volunteers serving with various conservation agencies and watershed associations across the state of MA met for a training at Groundwork Lawrence. This non-profit organization, located in a restored mill building reminiscent of the city's industrial days, is dedicated to building a healthy community and helping Lawrence residents improve their quality of life.

The mission of the organization is “to bring about the sustained regeneration, improvement and management of the physical environment by developing community-based partnerships which empower people, businesses and organizations to promote environmental, economic and social well-being.”

Included in the training was a tour of nearby community gardens, a skate park, and a school garden.

Picking strawberries from Abby's community garden plot.
Abby and Josh, the 2 AmeriCorps MassLIFT Volunteers serving at Groundwork Lawrence, led the tour, letting us taste fresh strawberries while teaching us about the challenges and benefits of urban gardening. The challenges include issues such as soil contamination and produce theft, while the benefits range from opportunities for community building and increased access to nutritious food.

A field of beans growing in the middle of the city.

The Merrimack River, flowing through Lawrence.
Groundwork Lawrence is part of the larger Groundwork USA and Groundwork UK programs. To learn how Groundwork is making change around the world, visit: http://groundworkusa.org/

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Run Through the Woods for the Woods

JUNE 9, 2012: Wildlands Trust's 2nd Annual Run for Conservation

The lawn signs are up and race day is only 12 days away!

Register today at:


"Will you run or walk for conservation?"
Pudding Hill Preservation, Marshfield

"Will you save a hiking trail?"

See if you can spot our other signs in surrounding towns! Other variations say, "A Run Through the Woods for the Woods" and "Run for the Trees"! Basically, we just can't hide how excited we are for the 2nd Annual Run for Conservation. We are happy to be connecting more people to the outdoors and hope that you will join us. For more information, visit www.wildlandstrust.org All proceeds support our efforts to save land in the region!

To become a race volunteer, please email admin@wildlandstrust.org today!

Thank you to our 2012 Race Sponsors:

2012 Race Eco-Fair Vendors:
Wildlands Trust
Friend of Myles Standish State Forest
Bayside Runner
Eastern Mountain Sports

This race is a member of the Bayside Runner Racing Series.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A New Park for Plympton!

On May 16, 2012, around 300 Plympton residents filled both the auditorium of the Dennett Elementary School and an overflow room set up with a projector and sound. This was the largest turn out for Town Meeting that anyone could remember (usually around 100-150 residents turn out) and the town has never had to use an overflow room before. The meeting began at 7:00pm sharp, and by 8:30pm we were only on Article 2 (of 39)! My projects’ two Articles were 18 and 19, so I began to wonder if we’d even get to them. But, in a dramatic move, after Article 5 was passed (at 9:30pm), one of the open space committee members went up to the podium and made a motion to move the CPC nominated articles (Articles 15-19) forward on the agenda! The Town voted to approve this motion, and suddenly the room came alive!

The first CPC nominated articles (focusing on historic preservation) were voted through unanimously. Then came Article 18: to vote to purchase the 10-acre parcel with CPA funds to create Churchill Park at Jones River Brook (this property would provide access to the currently landlocked 77-acre town-owned parcel). A member from the CPC committee gave an overview of the project and then several residents in town spoke passionately about how taking this action would help protect the character of the Town. An 18-year-old resident got up to say that he supported the project and is ready to sign up to volunteer to help create the proposed trail on the property. Suddenly, it was time to vote. And just as suddenly, it was over, with a super majority in FAVOR of the Article! There was a ROAR of cheers!

Next came Article 19: to vote to transfer the 77-acre town-owned parcel (known as Cato’s Ridge) from the control of the Board of Selectmen to the control of the Conservation Commission (which protects the land under Article 97 of the Amendments to the Massachusetts Constitution, which requires that lands or easements taken or acquired for natural resource purposes not be used for other purposes or disposed of without a two-thirds vote of each branch of the State legislature). A member of the Open Space Committee gave an overview of the article.

And then a twist! A member of the CPC and Conservation Commission stood up to amend Article 19 to clarify wording in the article that stated “for passive recreation purposes”. He amended it to read “ passive recreation, including but not limited to hunting, fishing, and horseback riding”. This was done in response to rumors which claimed that if the land was transferred to the Conservation Commission it would mean no hunting on the property (which was traditionally an allowed use).

First, the Town voted on whether or not to allow the amendment which specified hunting as an allowed use. This was passed with a majority vote. Next, the Town voted on transferring control to the Conservation Commission. And, at 11:00pm, with a super majority vote, the article was passed! Another ROAR of cheers! And then… a mass exodus to leave the meeting. The moderator decided to adjourn the Town Meeting until May 17th. And with that, it was over! Lots of hugs and high-fives for all those who had worked so hard to pull it off!

Now I will finish writing the CR that Wildlands Trust will hold on the 10-acre Churchill Park at Jones River Brook… and the story continues until the CR is recorded at the Registry of Deeds!

As always, thanks for reading! -Post by: Allison Gillum, AmeriCorps MassLIFT Regional Conservationist, Wildlands Trust

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Race is On! 2nd Annual Run for Conservation

Our 2nd Annual Run for Conservation is on Saturday, June 9, 2012 in DCR's Myles Standish State Forest in Plymouth!

We're offering an early registration discount to the first 25 on-line registrants!

  • 1/2 road, 1/2 trail 5k (3.1 mile) walk/run race
  • 9:30am Start Time
  • New Pre & Post-Race Eco-Fair
  • First 100 registrants are guaranteed a free race t-shirt!
  • We'll be featuring a special barefoot division (with barefoot and Vibram fivefingers allowed)! 
  • New team registration option: Enter a team of friends, coworkers, or family!
Enter the code "EarlyReg" at checkout to receive the 25% off discount! Only the first 25 people to register with the code will receive this discount.

Register Now!

Click here:

OR copy and paste this link:

Eco-Fair Vendors / Race Sponsors / Volunteers:
To become an Eco-Fair vendor, race sponsor, or volunteer, email admin@wildlandstrust.org. Volunteers will receive a free volunteer race t-shirt while supplies last!

Like the Run for Conservation Facebook Page to receive race updates!

All proceeds support our efforts to save the special places in southeastern Massachusetts!

The Run for Conservation is a member of the Bayside Runner Racing Series!

To learn more about the series, visit:


Monday, April 23, 2012

3 Towns, 50 People, Many Thanks!

Over Earth Week, we worked in 3 towns with 50 volunteers!  Now we want to share our many thanks to our volunteers - for their time, inspirational energy, and hard work:

Kingston - 4/17/12 and 4/18/12
Thank you to Bridie's Garden Volunteers- Together we're growing hope for a better, brighter, and more sustainable food future, while helping meet the fresh food needs of the Plymouth Area Coalition for the Homeless!

Pembroke - 4/20/12
Thank you to the Wildlands Trailrunners and Walkers- who utilize our Preserve trails and help motivate others to partake in passive outdoor recreation!  They're also showing great support for our 2nd Annual Run for Conservation! You can click the photos below to enlarge and read the text and later this week you'll be able to register for the 5k run/walk event on June 9 here: https://racewire.com/register.php?id=1779

Brockton - 2/22/12
Thank you to the Keep Brockton Beautiful Day Volunteers- who pulled 15 bags of trash and stacks of tires and miscellaneous debris out of our 120-acre urban Brockton Audubon Property. Thank you to the Brockton Mayor's Office for organizing the town wide clean-up and for providing trash bags, food, water, and trash removal.

With your help, every day can be earth day and and every week can be earth week. Together we are all helping to save the special places of southeastern Massachusetts! To find out about upcoming volunteer opportunities, email: admin@wildlandstrust.org

Friday, March 2, 2012

In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb? March Nature Photos.

Will this March be in like a lion, out like a lamb? Check out our March Nature Photos thus far, then cast your weather prediction vote on our facebook page!

March 1, 2012:
Philbrick Preserve, Duxbury.
Bridie's Garden, Plymouth Area Coalition for the Homeless, Kingston.
March 2, 2012:
Deer rub on a young sapling at Phillips Farm Preserve, Marshfield.
Cast your vote by clicking here.

Friday, February 24, 2012

A New Park for Plypmton?

Allison Gillum, Regional Conservationist,
AmeriCorps MassLIFT Volunteer
at Wildlands Trust
Allison Gillum, Regional Conservationist, has been an AmeriCorps MassLIFT Volunteer with Wildlands Trust for 1.5 years. She has been focused on helping municipalities and land owners with conservation planning. Most recently she's been working with the Town of Plympton on their first ever CPA (Community Preservation Act) funded land acquisition project.

The proposed project involves 2 parcels: a 10-acre parcel off Main St. to be named Churchill Park at Jones River Brook and Cato's Ridge Conservation Area, a 77-acre town-owned parcel that is currently landlocked. Allison explained that, "The project would provide public access to two incredible parcels of land in the heart of Plympton. I have very much enjoyed working with the Open Space Committee, CPC (Community Preservation Committee), and the Conservation Commission. Plympton is a beautiful, rural town."

Town meeting approval is needed on May 16 to keep this project moving forward. For more information about the project, see the brochure (front and back) Allison designed below:

Friday, February 17, 2012

Grey's Plate: What does moving to the Davis-Douglas Farm really mean?

Karen Grey, Executive Director.
Karen Grey has been the Executive Director of Wildlands Trust for four years. Among her many duties, she is focused on raising the needed funds to purchase and upgrade the Davis-Douglas Farm in Plymouth, which will serve as the new home of the Wildlands Trust.

Karen says, "The Farm is a 10-acre property in the heart of some of our most important holdings. It will place the Trust within a mile of nearly one third of its conservation land.  Because of the Farm’s proximity to so much of our land, we see the property as an opportunity to create a “gateway” to our mission.  The Trust will be much more visible to the public and we will have the space to offer programs and learning opportunities related to land conservation.  We look forward to interfacing with the public in ways we currently cannot."
Davis-Douglas Farm - Plymouth, MA.
The Trust plans to continue what the Trust's AmeriCorps volunteers have started, reaching out to non-traditional constituencies.  Some early ideas include community gardening, horticultural therapy and expanded outdoor passive recreation programs. She added that, "In a way, the new headquarters will serve as a 'Super Trail Head' where the public can park and head out by foot or mountain bike on the extensive trail systems throughout South Plymouth."
Passive recreation trail adjacent to the Farm.
As with most organizations, the Trust has noticed a downturn in fundraising, but Karen and the board remain committed to meeting the goals to make this project happen.

For more information about the Farm or to find out how you can help make the project possible, please contact Karen at 781.934.9018.