Friday, January 27, 2012

Is next week really February?

Here are some of our favorite nature photos from January... what a month!

We hope you'll take a peak, leave a comment, and have a great weekend! -From all of us at Wildlands Trust

Downy Woodpecker at Weir River Woods, Hull.
Mushroom atop tree stump at Rounseville Preserve, Rochester.
Downed Pitch Pine at Great South Pond - South Triangle Pond Conservation Area, Plymouth. 
Fox tracks along the bank of Snows Pond (a coastal plain pond) at Robinson-Gilmore  Preserve, Rochester.
Fungi growing on a hemlock snag at Robinson-Glimore Preserve, Rochester.
South Triangle Pond at South Triangle Pond Conservation Area, Plymouth.

(Photo Credit- Above: Alex Etkind, Below: Sarah Kugel)
Wildlands Trailrunners at the Halfway Pond Conservation Area, Plymouth.
P.S. You can visit to learn more about the properties featured in this post!

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